Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

Flu vaccination in school kids helps protect everyone November 5, 2010

Giving flu vaccines to as many school-age children as possible, by delivering it at school, for example, can help protect an entire community from flu, according to a new study. [+] more

Immunization key to preventing meningitis November 5, 2010

Healthy children who skip through their teen years without needing to see a doctor may be missing an opportunity to keep their immunizations up to date. [+] more

Pandemic H1N1 Flu Hit Kids Hard in 2009 November 1, 2010
Experts doubt current flu season will pose similar threat, but urge vaccinations [+] more
Scientists differ on severity of meningitis outbreak November 1, 2010
After five of the seven people infected with bacterial meningococcal disease died of the illness this year in Northern Colorado, experts disagree about how extraordinary the outbreak is. [+] more

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