Fact or Fiction? Aluminum
FACT: There is no need to fear that immunizations will expose your baby to too much aluminum.
You may have heard people warn about aluminum in childhood vaccines.
You may have also heard that following an “alternative vaccine schedule” and spacing out vaccines will reduce aluminum exposure.
Aluminum is in our everyday environment.
There is no need for parents to fear aluminum. Aluminum is the most common metal found in nature. The amount of aluminum that your child is exposed to through vaccines is very small compared to the amount they’re exposed to in their everyday environment.
Small amounts of aluminum are naturally found in our air, water, soil, and food. Aluminum is also found in breast milk and infant formula. The levels of aluminum in your baby’s food and in the vaccines they receive are not dangerous to their health. Healthy babies quickly eliminate aluminum from their bodies without harmful effects.
The amount of aluminum in vaccines is safe.
Scientists who study vaccines assure parents and caregivers that the aluminum in vaccines is very safe. In fact, aluminum has been used in vaccines for over 75 years. While not all vaccines contain aluminum, studies show that its use in vaccines helps create a better and longer lasting immune response. Every ingredient used in vaccines helps your child’s body respond safely to the vaccine and produce disease-fighting antibodies that prepare it for future encounters with a disease. Aluminum is no different. Without it, vaccines would not work as well and kids would be less protected from disease.
Since aluminum is so common in our natural environment, it is almost impossible to avoid exposure. The only reason to be concerned about your child’s exposure is if they:
- Have low kidney function AND
- Are exposed to very large quantities of aluminum for months or years. Typically, high exposure to aluminum is the result of job-related exposure. Aluminum causes health problems for workers in dusty environments who breathe in aluminum dusts or fumes.
If you have questions about the aluminum your child is exposed to, please talk to your healthcare provider.

Always know that there is no attempt to hide what goes into vaccines. The process is transparent, and you can find all the ingredients used in every vaccine.