Fact or Fiction?
Side Effects
FACT: Vaccine side effects are normal and minimal compared to those from the diseases they prevent.
Getting vaccinated can be stressful for both parents and kids.
They may experience minor side effects. But when you vaccinate your child, you are making the best choice for your child’s health.
Vaccine side effects are normal.
Seeing your child’s pain and listening to their cries after getting a shot can be frightening. It’s even more challenging when a child gets a fever or rash after vaccination. Trust that these reactions – crying, fever, and rash – are all common side effects of vaccines. These are actually good signs that their body is producing antibodies that will protect them from future diseases. And, the diseases that you are protecting against can be far worse.
Vaccines undergo rigorous safety testing prior to being approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Afterwards, they are continually monitored for safety. All vaccine ingredients are carefully tested and are safe. Multiple vaccines are also studied to be given at the same time.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most vaccine side effects are minor and go away within a few days. Side effects vary by vaccine, but generally mild side effects may include:
- Pain, redness, tenderness, itching, or swelling at the injection site
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Nausea
- Dizziness or fainting (most common in adolescents)
- Fever
- Mild rash
Parents and caregivers should watch for unusual reactions like a high fever, weakness, or behavior changes. Signs of a serious allergic reaction can include difficulty breathing, hoarseness, or wheezing. They can also include hives, paleness, weakness, fast heartbeat, or dizziness.
If your child does experience signs of an allergic reaction, contact their medical provider immediately.

Some children should not get vaccinated.
Kids who should not get vaccines include those who have had severe allergic reactions to vaccines in the past. They also include children who are moderately or severely ill at the time or who have certain neurologic disorders. If you have questions or concerns, it is best to ask your child’s medical provider.
Experts monitor vaccines closely to make sure they’re safe.
While serious side effects are rare, parents and caregivers are encouraged to report any severe side effects to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS serves to report, analyze, and make incidences of adverse side effects available to the public. The FDA reviews these individual reports to search for possible patterns associated with vaccine lots. (A vaccine lot is a group of vaccines that were produced together.) If a lot shows unusual patterns or a number of serious reactions, the FDA performs further analysis. They determine whether the lot is safe for use, or if further action is needed.
The Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) is another safety monitoring system. It is a collaboration between the CDC and healthcare organizations and networks across the U.S. The VSD project started in 1990. Its purpose is to monitor, address, and research immunization safety concerns. The VSD gathers information that researchers use to plan studies, investigate vaccine issues, and fill gaps in knowledge of serious side effects. The project has helped guide national immunization policy decisions. VSD investigators have published numerous scientific articles on vaccine safety.
Mild and temporary side effects are worth life-long protection from diseases.
Remember, millions of children are vaccinated every year. The number of children who experience side effects is small, and most side effects are mild. Immunizing your child provides an enormous benefit to their health. The diseases we prevent through vaccination can lead to more severe complications.