Finding Trusted Resources
We all want to be informed advocates for our children’s health.
As a result, parents often turn to the internet, television, media, celebrities, peers, and experts for information. The trouble is, it can be difficult to decide what information to trust, and from whom. Which sources tell the truth? Which provides reliable, factual, research-based data?
We know that finding resources you can trust can be confusing, and some sources can plant seeds of doubt. We also understand that you are not a statistic. You are a parent looking to make the best choice for your child’s health.
Our website presents up-to-date, well-studied information that will prepare you to make a confident, informed decision about vaccines for your child’s health. We work to address your top concerns and help you get to the facts about childhood vaccinations so you can be confident in your choice to immunize your child.
If you’re looking for more information, these tips below can help you find trusted resources.
Here are some questions to ask about a website. If it is hard to find the answers, this may be a sign the source is not trustworthy.
Are they knowledgeable about vaccines? Do they have the education and experience to speak on the subject with authority? You can always do a quick Google search on them to learn more, but be wary of those who are not experts in the field of immunology.