Vaccine Ingredients
Vaccine ingredients can be confusing to understand. Don’t fear! Let’s look at each kind of ingredient, one at a time.

All vaccine ingredients play a role.
Vaccines are carefully made to include the exact ingredients they need to be safe and effective at preventing disease. All vaccine ingredients play a role. They work to make the vaccine effective, keep it safe from contamination, and build immunity. They have nothing extra or dangerous. Before approving any vaccine, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires the vaccine to undergo lots of testing to ensure all the ingredients it contains are safe. Parents and caregivers can be assured that components of their child’s vaccines are not harmful. They work to keep children healthy and protected against infectious diseases.
The main, active ingredients in vaccines are antigens. Antigens are small bits of the bacteria or virus you are being vaccinated against. In vaccines, these antigens are weakened, inactivated (killed), or only partially used. This makes them safe and unable to cause infection. Antigens are what encourage your immune system to create antibodies to fight against future infections. Learn more about how vaccines are made and how antigens work.
Just like many foods we eat, vaccines also contain additional ingredients that each have a specific, important purpose.
These additional ingredients in vaccines are called adjuvants, stabilizers, or preservatives. They enable the vaccine to do its job. That job is to trigger a natural immune response in the body. Vaccines do this by producing antibodies that can recognize and fight off a particular antigen. The additional ingredients make vaccines effective, sterile, safe, and long-lasting. These ingredients are tested for safety and are only included in very small amounts in each vaccine. They are safe for people at these amounts. Typically, vaccines only have trace amounts of these components. They have much less than children encounter in their environment, food, and water.
Click on an ingredient to learn more about it.
Adjuvants: help boost the body’s immune response to a vaccine. Without adjuvants, vaccines would be less effective and require higher doses.
- Example: aluminum salts
- Natural sources: drinking water, breast milk