Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

Report: Study linking Measles vaccine to Autism an 'elaborate fraud' January 6, 2011
The first study to link a childhood vaccine to autism was based on doctored information about the children involved, according to a new report on the widely discredited research. [+] more
Secrets of the MMR scare - How the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed January 6, 2011
In the first part of a special BMJ series, Brian Deer exposes the bogus data behind claims that launched a worldwide scare over the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, and reveals how the appearance of a link with autism was manufactured at a London medical school. [+] more
Medical journal: Study linking autism, vaccines is 'elaborate fraud' January 6, 2011
(CNN) - A now-retracted British study that linked autism to childhood vaccines is an "elaborate fraud," according to a medical journal - a charge the physician behind the study vigorously denies. [+] more
Journal: Study Linking Vaccine To Autism Was Fraud January 6, 2011
npr - The first study to link a childhood vaccine to autism was based on doctored information about the children involved, according to a new report on the widely discredited research. [+] more

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