Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

More pregnant women getting whooping cough vaccine June 15, 2017
Babies are much less likely to get whooping cough if their mothers get vaccinated against the potentially fatal respiratory infection during pregnancy, and a U.S. study finds that a growing number of women are starting to follow this advice. [+] more
Americans should be more afraid of HPV June 15, 2017
Lee Tomlinson wasn’t a smoker. He wasn’t a drinker. He was a longtime professional tennis player and marathoner based in Los Angeles, “the healthiest guy anyone knew,” he says. That’s why, in 2012, at the age of 62, he was shocked to learn that he had stage-three throat cancer. [+] more
A Dad Takes His Son To The Doctor And Discovers Fear Of Vaccines June 10, 2017
I am a man of science. Okay, perhaps not of science, but certainly near it. As a science journalist, I'm science-adjacent. But I consider myself to be bound by logic and facts. Which is why it was weird when I took my infant son in for his first vaccines and started peppering his pediatrician with questions. I inspected the boxes, telling myself that I was concerned about a recent bad batch of vaccines in Chiapas, Mexico, that made a bunch of kids sick. But really, I was looking for a label that read "not the autism kind of vaccine." [+] more
States with the highest child vaccine rates April 25, 2017
Vaccines have made huge inroads over recent decades – dramatically shrinking the numbers of people affected by potentially deadly diseases such as measles, whooping cough, influenza and polio. But an additional 1.5 million deaths could be prevented across the globe if more people were immunized, says the World Health Organization. U.S. medical experts spoke with CBS News for World Immunization Week (April 24 – 30) and raised concern about the number of Americans who still aren’t vaccinating their children or getting their own shots, which continues to fuel preventable disease outbreaks. [+] more

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